Ten Mile Holistic Veterinary Care offers nutritional counseling for pet owners of Casper, WY and surrounding communities. If you have any questions about your pet’s diet or would like more information about your pet’s nutritional needs, please contact us today. I can set up a nutrition plan for your pet.
Obesity is a common problem among pets, as it can be easy to over-feed a pet that knows how to beg. But being overweight is a serious problem for animals, and can cause real health problems as they get older. With proper diet and exercise, all pets should be able to meet their dietary needs and be within a healthy weight range.
Dr. Sarah does not carry any brands of pet foods. She will help clients choose an appropriate food for their pet based on their animals individual needs. Just because a diet is listed as holistic or organic does not necessarily make it the best food for your pet. What works for one animal may not be the best for the next animal. If you have nutrition questions we can help you sort through all of the multitude of diets available or give you resources to cook for your pet if you choose.